Thursday, May 10, 2007

"don't panik comics" is GO!

Nothing of gaming import to report this morning, but I wanted to point out to my readers... all 5 of you... that my wife and I's joint venture into the world of online comics has begun.

I do the sketching, she does the inking, and I do the photoshopping. We both do the writing and conceptualizing. Soon, with any good luck, we'll get a Wacom tablet and start digitally inking as well.

Anyway, you can learn more about don't panik and all of that over on its own blog. Check it out by clicking the link below (lower-case intentional) and be sure to leave your comments there for us to read what you thought of the doodle.

don't panik comics

We plan on getting a new strip up every week, most likely on the weekends, so check back often!


Keen said...

Great job on the comic guys! As someone who co-authors an online comic I often find myself laughing for hours at my own humor. I hope you two have as much fun as my bro and I do.

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I like your site layout. Looking forward to the comic strips!