Monday, March 10, 2008

New Cartoon Incoming at TTH

My compatriots at TTH have kindly indulged my idea to start a new comic for AoC on our site.

I'm busy scribbling up some characters for the strip, based on Machail, Martuk and myself and if all goes well we should at least have a teaser up this Wednesday.

I'm very stoked to be back to cartooning. As school winds down, and TTH ramps up it feels refreshing to shift back to what I love again. Throw in the search for a new job in Web Design and Development and things are looking up for yours truly.

However... I still don't have much gaming-wise to chat about as I've been more than busy with getting content ready for the AoC TTH site. I'm likely going to cancel my Gamefly subscription until after the launch, because I'm not even really playing the 360 right now.

What am I playing, you ask? Well... not much of anything really. But let's put it this way, I'm certainly not bored in my evenings. :)


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